
Hello I'm here to talk about my friend Samuel Santos, who created the course Introduction to the New Method of English, based on his experience in learning English. Since I met him, I've been  impressed by the methods he used to learn English by himself. When I asked him what his methods were, he explained to me that in the beginning  he didn't understand English very well because he didn't understand the structure of English. That's when he started to realize some strategies he could use to better understand the structure of English. These same strategies have been incorporated into the course he created. Some strategies used in the course are how to properly use different parts of English grammar, such as adverbs, nouns, adjectives and pronouns, and understanding the different tenses that exist in English,such as past tense,future tense and present tense , and how to make these things make sense from the perspective of a native Portuguese speaker. The course has already been very helpful for many and it could be a great help to you in your journey to learn English!


  1. Adquiri o curso e é simplesmente fantástico. É surpreendente o quanto estou aprendendo.


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